Registration Information

  • Camp registration for new families open on February 5th at 12pm PST. Returning families can register beginning January 29th at 12pm PST. All returning families will receive an email with a code to register early.

  • Yes, you may register your younger child during the returning family early registration window!

  • If you have not yet signed up, you can sign up during registration.

    If you have already registered, open your registration confirmation email from

    Under “Important Links,” click “Manage your online account”.

    On the account balance page, under registrants, click “Add purchase”.

    Select the option you would like to register for. Please note, shuttle riders do NOT need to register for early or extended care.

    Click Here to view step-by-step visuals.

  • Coastal Camp will offer full refunds, minus a $50 registration fee, until six weeks prior to the start of the session for which you have registered.* For cancellations made less than six weeks prior to a session, you are at risk of receiving no refund. Coastal Camp will not offer refunds unless we can fill the vacant spot. While we are often successful in filling vacant spots from the waitlist, please know that this is not a guarantee. Within two weeks of the start of a session, Coastal Camp does not offer refunds.

    More than six weeks prior to the start of your camp session, registrations can be transferred to any available session at no charge. Between two and six weeks prior to the start of camp, participants may transfer up to 50% of their session tuition to another open session. If Coastal Camp can fill the original spot, the remaining 50% can be refunded, minus a $50 fee.

    *Refunds may take up to three weeks to process due to Active Registration software policies. We will do our best to issue your refund as quickly as possible.

  • During registration, you can list your buddy request(s).

    Please note we can only guarantee one buddy request per session.

    We separate campers by their grade (K, 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-9, and 10-12). We cannot acommodate buddy requests that are not in the same age group.

  • Only legal guardians may register or reserve a spot for their campers. Registrations aren't transferable to different families. Any duplicate spots will be canceled and refunded in accordance with the registration policy at that time.

    All spots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis for registration and the waitlist.

  • Camper are grouped by their Fall 2025 grade level.

    Campers must be either entering Kindergarten or 4 years of age by December 2024 to participate in Kinder. For campers who are 6, we recommend 1st-grade camps.

  • We are offering as many spots as we can given the capacity of our campus.

  • We will email you if a spot becomes available. We can only let in someone from the waitlist if another person cancels, so it is impossible to predict if or when that will happen.

  • Follow the link here to request a password reset.

Food and Packing Lists

  • Due to an overwhelming amount of feedback, we have decided to no longer provide lunches for our campers. This will allow you to pack the lunch your child prefers and ensure they have enough to eat throughout the day!

  • We recommend packing a lunch full of nutrient dense, body-fueling food for your camper. Lunches are eaten outside on the trail, so sandwiches, wraps, and other finger foods are preferred.

    Please note that we teach Leave No Trace principles to our campers - and this is a practice that starts at home! Do your best to pack lunches using reusable containers, and try to limit the amount of single use plastic and waste that can so easily accumulate.

    Please do not send any candy or food containing nuts.

  • We offer a small snack every morning (often a piece of fresh fruit such as a half banana or bunch of grapes). We also provide an afternoon snack.

    For some campers, this may not be enough so please pack additional snacks for your child if you’d like. Keep in mind that we do not provide snacks with nuts on our campus. Campers are asked not to share snacks to prevent allergic reactions.

    Dietary Restrictions must be listed during Registration. Restrictions not listed cannot be accommodated. NatureBridge is not able to accommodate all food restrictions.

    If you don’t want your camper to eat the food we offer, please indicate that on their registration form.

  • Vegetarian, Vegan, No red meat/no pork, Dairy-free

    We can accommodate these requests on their own or in combination.


    We can accommodate gluten-free requests on their own or in combination with vegetarian, no red meat/no pork, or dairy-free requests (with the exception of the cookie).

    Please make a special note if the participant has Celiac Disease.

    Peanuts & Tree Nuts

    While we have eliminated peanuts, tree nuts and tree nut and peanut products from our menu, some of our food is prepackaged and we cannot guarantee it was not produced on machinery that also processes peanuts/nuts. Our campus cannot be considered nut-free because we do not limit the food that is brought to our campus by participants.

    Soy, Corn, Eggs, etc.

    We are able to make limited accommodations for participants with soy, corn, egg, or other restrictions on their own. When any of these restrictions are present in conjunction with another restriction, we may not be able to accommodate the participant.


    We are not able to make special accommodations for no-sugar.

    Kosher or Halal

    NatureBridge cannot provide Kosher or Halal meals. However, we can prepare vegetarian meals. Please indicate vegetarian meals during registration.

    Shellfish Allergies

    This information must be included during registration. While we do not serve shellfish to our Coastal Camp groups it may be served to other groups on campus.

    Our Intertidal Laboratory is home to living marine life including various crustaceans, echinoderms, and mollusks, which may elicit a reaction for participants with a contact allergy. In addition, Iodine is a shellfish-based substance that is occasionally used in the water purification process on trail.

    Severe Allergies

    If you or your students have severe allergies, please make sure they are noted during registration. All participants with severe allergies should carry their Epi-Pens with them at all times. Please note that NatureBridge education staff are all certified in Wilderness First Aid and trained in administering Epi-Pens.

    Life-threatening Food Restrictions

    Students with life-threatening food restrictions must contact the camp office after registration to ensure necessary accommodations can be made.

    Providing Your Own Food

    Participants are welcome to bring their own food to supplement our meals or eat in place of our meals. If you have additional concerns or questions about our food service, contact the camp office 415-331-1548

  • Because we spend so much time out in nature it is important to be prepared every day here at camp. Here is a list of items that each camper needs for a successful day at Coastal Camp:

    • Backpack

    • Lunch in a lunchbox/bag with all containers labeled

    • Closed-toe shoes (no Keens)

    • Water bottle

    • Hat

    • Sunscreen

    • Warm layer AND rain layer

    • Bandana

    Remember to label everything!

    Please do not bring: candy, food that contains nuts, and cell phones.

Behavior Policies

  • At Coastal Camp we prioritize the emotional and physical safety of campers and staff while also aiming to have campers participate in the whole duration of our programs. If a camper is putting themselves or others in harm’s way, either physically or verbally, we will work to redirect their behavior through a restorative lens. This may include creating a verbal contract with the student, sending home a behavior break sheet, or connecting with the campers parent/guardian for assistance and advice. If this is not successful, or if a camper’s behavior is extreme* enough to put themselves or others in danger, the camper will need to be picked up from camp. If the camper returns to Coastal Camp and exhibits the same behavior, the camper will need to be picked up again and will not be allowed to return for the rest of the camp session. Refunds will not be issued. We trust that families can be active participants in all phases of this behavior policy in order to help us maintain a safe and welcoming environment for all campers.

    *Extreme behavior includes but is not limited to: the inability of the camper to follow safety directions, undisclosed special needs, the use of physical force against others, possessing unsafe items, behavior that repeatedly pulls staff out of ratio in the camp group, and the inability to consistently participate in normal camp activities.

  • We’re happy to make reasonable accommodations for children with special needs, depending on their requirements. While our staff are trained and experienced at working with youth, we do not have a specialist on staff. Parents and guardians with questions regarding the ability of camp staff to meet a child’s needs should contact the Senior Camp Manager by sending at email to Stephanie at Early communication is appreciated if your child requires reasonable accomodations.

  • Unfortunately, Coastal Camp does not have the staffing resources to support campers that require 1-on-1 assistance. Our typical ratio of staff to campers is 1:7. If you would like to explore the option to supply your own 1-on-1 aid, please reach out to our Senior Staff Manager by emailing Stephanie at

Covid-19 Policies and Procedures

  • All policies and procedures will depend on local, state and federal mandates and guidelines. The following protocols may change before the summer begins. We will include detailed information in the emails sent out immediately prior to camp.

    • Campers will spend the majority of their days outside.

    • Campers will wash or sanitize hands frequently during the day.

    • High-touch items and areas will be disinfected regularly.

  • Mask wearing will depend on local, state and federal mandates as well as county Covid trends. Your camper should be prepared to wear a mask when necessary.

    Our current policy does not require masking indoors or outdoors.

  • The majority of our time will be spent outdoors. Campers may go inside for an hour or two at a time to visit our labs, make art or do other activities that aren’t possible outside.

  • If a camper in your child’s group has tested positive, they will be required to follow appropriate isolation procedures. All caregivers in that group will be notified personally by phone call and/or email with the next steps that may include requiring a negative test to return to camp.

  • We currently plan to have all of our labs open! This includes the Skins and Skulls lab, Microscope Lab and Intertidal Marine Touch Tank Lab.